
playwriting - Gemini Ink

Introduction to Playwriting with Mikaela Simon

Join New Jersey-based playwright Mikaela Simon in this two-session course which will cover the fundamentals of writing a play. Workshop participants will learn how playwriting differs from other genres, what “show don’t tell” means when writing for the stage, and how to use it to create dynamic storytelling on stage. This course will cover structure, format, dialogue, monologues, characters, dramatic action, and theatricality. Participants will explore these elements and use them to create their own short plays and/or scenes.  

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Fuerza-Writing: Developing Performance Text with Marisela Barrera

Learn how to turn everyday source material into a final performance. In this four-week workshop, we’ll discuss verbatim theater (theater based on people’s spoken words), devised performance (collaborative, often improvised work), and adapting your original short stories or poems into plays. We’ll practice examples of each. You’ll be asked to commit to developing one performance text to be shared in a public reading. 

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