From Story to Song: Crafting Memorable Lyrics with Nathan Brown

Gemini Ink 1111 Navarro St, San Antonio, TX, United States

In this two-day workshop, we’ll compare and contrast the worlds of story and songwriting, uncovering their similarities and differences while discussing what makes a song lyric unforgettable. Then, we’ll use real-world examples to highlight the rich narratives that live behind some well-known tunes that we love.


Story Core with Rubén Degollado

Online via Zoom

In this six-session generative virtual workshop, participants will begin by exploring examples of the core elements of setting, plot, and characters working well together to create a cohesive storyline. We will do pre-writing exercises focused on drafting complicated characters who connect to the reader’s emotions and make them want to keep reading.  Then we will move through a series of setting exercises that build the details of place and transport the reader there. This generative work will prime writers for creating memorable stories with believable characters navigating the worlds they inhabit.


Spring Open House

Gemini Ink 1111 Navarro St, San Antonio, TX, United States

New Year, New Writing Adventures Please Join us on Thursday, February 20th at 6:30pm CST...


Open Writer’s Labs

Online via Zoom

These peer-driven workshops, held the last Monday of each month, are free and open to writers of all levels and focus on poetry, flash fiction, and short creative non-fiction.


Beyond the Blank Page: Introduction to Creative Writing with Christen Barrón

Gemini Ink 1111 Navarro St, San Antonio, TX, United States

In this hands-on writing workshop,  participants will receive a gentle and fun introduction into creative writing and opportunities to dabble in poetry, fiction, and nonfiction to see which one resonates most. This course is perfect for beginners or anyone looking to rediscover their creativity. At each interactive session, participants will generate new writing and will be encouraged to share their work with others.


Prepare Your Story Idea for the Pitch of a Lifetime with Marilyn Atlas

Online via Zoom

In this two-day workshop, talent/literary manager and producer Marilyn Atlas will teach you the tricks and tips it takes to make that professional pitch. She will cover how to distill the essence of your story into short, sharp, easily digestible bite-size parts that strike the right balance between brevity, colorful detail, and cliffhanging suspense. The class will also review common mistakes writers make when pitching, strategies for adapting your pitch to your target audience, and advice on how to use comparable titles of similar works to prove there is an audience for your work.


LitMinds Book Club

Gemini Ink 1111 Navarro St, San Antonio, TX, United States

Join us for the LitMinds Book Club at Gemini Ink. We’re reading The Family Izquierdo,...


Open Writer’s Labs

Online via Zoom

These peer-driven workshops, held the last Monday of each month, are free and open to writers of all levels and focus on poetry, flash fiction, and short creative non-fiction.


Everything but the Kitchen Sink: A Workshop on Writing Hybrid Essays with ire’ne lara silva

Gemini Ink 1111 Navarro St, San Antonio, TX, United States

In this three-week workshop, we will liberate our minds and recover from the trauma of the “school-essay” mentality by creating hybrid essays that engage the reader, reflect our realities, and push the limits of what an essay can be. Bring any projects or ideas you're working on--memoirs, family histories, love letters, journals, or thoughts you want to share about life, art, history, spirit, geography, the world!