
poetry - Gemini Ink

The Poet Speaks with Amanda Eke

Rhythm, dynamic words, dramatic flow–these are some of the core elements of spoken word poems. But what if you infuse this type of poetry with aspects of storytelling and other oral traditions? This cross-genre approach to writing and performance can open us up to a whole new art form.

The goal of this one-day workshop is to engage in a unique combination of personal story and poetry. We will start by learning about Nigerian and Igbo oral storytelling traditions of rhyme and verse. Then we’ll fuse this storytelling with the contemporary art of spoken word to create our own poems. Theater and choral reading techniques will also be covered to help students prepare poems for stage performance.

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Poetry for Beginners with Jonathan Fletcher

Have you ever wanted to try your hand at poetry but didn’t know where to start? Or are you a newbie poet who’s ready to learn more about the genre? If so, this National Poetry Month workshop is for you! 

In this four-week class, we will review the history of poetry, study contemporary poets and their craft, and review different poetic forms, including prose, lists, lyrical and narrative, and more. Using these texts and forms for inspiration, we will write and give poetic form to our own experiences and dreams. Participants will receive light feedback and resources to keep them writing. 

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Poetry Flurry with Typewriter Rodeo!

Get your creative juices flowing for National Poetry Month 2024 with Typewriter Rodeo! Whether you’re a poet or not, this workshop has something for everyone, including a room full of typewriters to play with. Clacking away on those keys with no way to correct your mistakes is freeing and just darn fun!

In this one-day, fast-paced workshop, you’ll write between 12 to 21 short poems in less than 2 hours. Yes, really! And, along the way, discover a bit more about the creative voice that’s been waiting inside you, patiently, to peek out. Participants will respond to a wide range of highly creative prompts and generate new poetry. The techniques we’ll learn apply to crafting poetry, stories, and even non-fiction (you need a voice for that, too).

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