This past summer, a group of talented students shared their social justice influenced horror stories. Workshop leaders Jessica Betancourt and Daniel Ramirez shared short stories from David Bowles’s Border Lore...
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Last fall, a group of remarkable students at the Cyndi Taylor Krier Juvenile Correctional Treatment…
Last spring, teaching artists Excy Guardado Bonilla and Kit Cura from Gemini Ink conjured up a world of wonder for 3rd graders through their workshop, "Read It! Write It! Share...
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Last spring, our teaching artists, Joyous Windrider Jiménez and Excy Guardado, provided a creative workshop titled “Spark Poetry! Creative Writing Workshops” at Promesa Academy for K-5 students. Promesa Academy is...
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In Fall 2023, our incredible teaching artists, Aminah Déce and Christen Barron, ignited a love…