Poetry Month is just around the corner!

We partnered with local poets and other art institutions to invite you to draw inspiration from artworks. If you win, your poem will be shared in April to celebrate National Poetry Month.

San Antonio and South Texas poets! You’re invited to submit poems inspired by artworks from five San Antonio arts institutionsThree Categories: Adults; Youth, ages 13 – 17; Youth, age 12 and under. Contest Opens: February 5, 2025. Submission Deadline: March 7, 2025. There is no entry fee.

2025 Ekphrastic Poetry Contest Guidelines for Adults & Youth

What Is an Ekphrastic Poem?
An ekphrastic poem is one based on a piece of art. These poems take an existing piece of visual art and use written words to describe and expand on the theme of that work of art. Often these poems explore hidden meanings or an underlying story.


What to Submit
Up to two (2) poems that respond to the art (each a maximum of 15 lines plus title). Express how the art puzzles, moves, frightens, enlightens you, etc. Please do not put your name or identifying info on the poem. Do not include artwork image on poem or in email.

2025 Artworks

How to Submit

  • Attach one poem per email in a PDF or Microsoft Word doc or docx to EkphrasticPoetryContest1@gmail.com. Subject line should read: Ekphrastic Poetry Contest Submission (YOUTH or ADULT) – (Selected Artwork Title).
  • Your email must include:

Title of your poem

Your name

City & state

Phone number

Email address

Youth entries must include age.

Contest Deadline
March 7, 2025. Only San Antonio & South Texas adult & youth poets are eligible. Categories: Adults; Youth, ages 13 – 17; Youth, age 12 and under.


Jim LaVilla Havelin, 2025 National Poetry Month coordinator, Eddie Vega, San Antonio Poet Laureate, and Linda Simone, poet & artist, will select up to three poems per artwork for each category.


Winning Poems
Winners will be notified via email by March 19. By March 21, Winners must attach their winning poem(s) as a PDF in an email to EkphrasticPoetryContest1@gmail.com. Email subject line must read: (ADULT or YOUTH) Winning Poem PDF – (Your Name). Winning poems will be posted on websites throughout April, National Poetry Month.


Save the Date
Ekphrastic Celebration Reading by winning poets at Ruby City on Saturday, April 5 at 10 a.m.

Anisa Onofre

Author Anisa Onofre

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